Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Food For thought Matrix Thoughts - How to Become Successful, How to become RIch

   How To Be A Great Thinker

   1. Never Accept the opnions of other people to be Fact until You have Identified the source and have satisfied yourself of accuracy. 

  2. Remember that Free advice no matter of whom it may receive, usually is worth exactly what it costs. 

  3. Alert Yourself immediately when you hear anyone speaking of someone in discouraging or slanderous, it is usually biased. 

 4. While asking for anyone for info make sure they don't know exactly what you want to hear. 

You must be thinking and emoting positively, you attract what you think and feel, so if you are thinking negative things you will receive negative results. 

How to develop faith 
Faith is a state of mind that is developed through Affirmations. Affirmations can either written or said words that are positive thoughts like I am Successful, or one of my person favorites " I Am So Happy And Grateful now that money comes to me, in increasing quantity, through multiple sources, on a consistent basis" - Bob Proctor. Faith is Absolute belief that you can do something. Think of why you are reading this book, you want to learn something you can trade for a monetary value. If  you put faith in the transmutation, it will happen. Its guaranteed. The secret to success can be summed up in just Three Words, Ask, Believe and Receive. It definitely will not hurt to add some Gratitude. 

Asked Defined 

  When you think or put emotion about something you attract it in to your life. New scientific research involving quantum mechanics really backs up the law of attraction. The law of attraction states that you will attract things that you think and feel. Its also really important what you tell yourself. If you say, "Oh I AM tired", you will be tired. If you say " I can't ever make enough money, I AM BROKE, " You will be broke and you will stay broke, plan and simple, WATCH WHAT YOU SAY, THINK AND FEEL. Sound really hard huh, you feel overwhelmed because you have been thinking negatively all your life. Listen Rome was not built in a day. You must take your time and take one step at a time. 

Believe Defined 

   The definition states "accept (something) as true; feel sure of the truth of." Lets take that a little deeper here. When you believe something you act with your desire to only focus your attention on that. Your desire is one of the most POWERFUL energy you have. Its what helps the man court the woman to procreate and continue on in human evolution. God gave you this desire to be your own person, not take any negative peoples beliefs in your mind,Overcome every obstacle that moves in your way, and note the obstacle in great detail to save precious time in the future. If you turn your desire on becoming Financially Free and Prosperous, you have to believe that it is already yours. You have to FEEL GOOD AND GRATEFUL while your in the belief stage, this is a very important detail that is sometimes overlooked. Okay were going to do a little imagination exercise, so say I came up to you and said "Mr. ___Your name here__ You just won 100 thousand dollars, I have the check Right here in my hand (You look at the check and it says Your name and 100 thousand dollars. (HOW DO YOU FEEL RIGHT NOW, YOUR ABOUT TO RECEIVE 100 THOUSAND DOLLARS)
So I had you the check and its a certified check, oh no this baby is not going to bounce, and you see on there you cannot cash this check for 24 months. Now how do you feel, you still are getting the money, still feel good right? That'[s the kind of emotion you need to radiate when you believe and ask, a feeling that its already yours and its on its way. 

Receive: I do not think I need to explain this to too much extent. You all already know what it is to receive, Just remember this, The amount of money a man receives is always in direct relation to how good he is at his job, how easy it is to replace him and his attitude towards his job( the attitude and how good are almost hand in hand).

Now I will you leave you with these things to ponder. You might be wondering where you going to get this money and abundance. You have to look in the good old gold mind. The gold mind you have in between your ears. The only thing about a man that is man is his mind. Everything else you can find in a pig or a horse.

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