Saturday, February 15, 2014

Food for thought episode 5 mini series 1 "matrix thoughts"

Why are we here? What is the purpose of life? Is time real? Are we alone in the universe? Ground breaking advances in technology have brought us closer than we've been since the ancient ancestors that have unexplained knowledge. Day to day I ponder the unexplainable with plans on helping solve one of them one day. A lot of the time it feels like my thoughts are  blocked from unanswered questions and I need to do a lot of soul searching through thought and meditation to be able to even ponder on them. One thought that I fully cannot comprehend, that I have thought of since my earliest memory is unexplainable through words. I can only come close to explain it (which can give dismal comparison to its vast and complex idea. What is this existence.  And I cannot help but feel that reality could possibly not even exist. But what does that make of me, who feels and thinks and believes I'm in the middle of space, on a planet called earth, that is conveniently just the right amount of distance away for life to be sustained.
That is a link to a notable news and trusted source for 
News and information. They talk about a theory that has been 
Around since existence started, that this could all be 
A simulation. Nowadays they think we could be 
Just a simulation at the hands of a kid from the future.
It's a crazy thought to process, but when done makes 
Understanding other crazy theory's as well.
I believe the only way we figure out anything is to
Question just about everything. I'm somewhat 
Convinced that we manifest our own life's. I would 
Love to learn more about this engaging idea obviously 
Because it would mean I could affect my existence 
100% of the time. I also wonder about death a lot.
Not necessarily fear but wonder, the knowledge that
Death is inevitable  makes fear unimportant. I wonder
Constantly about death, if we are possibly already dead,
What happens after death, do we repeat this ie. life,
Do we reincarnate to other lives, do we live the
Same life over and over with chances to change and 
Live a perfect life, is the heaven and hell theory 
Correct? Many questions come to mind when 
Thinking about death. This is part one of a many part 
Mini series, Food For Thought.