Saturday, January 18, 2014

Food For Thought :I'm Glad You Broke My Heart

I'm glad you broke my heart, I needed to feel something. I was so numb with you. We were in love and incompatible, HOW does that even work? I don't care you've found some one else, you use it to hurt me and i laugh! The only thing we ever had in common was our son, and you can never take that away. Obviously we were all wrong for eachother, Cant you see it? Obviously you did, you tried break my heart. You were being so evil in the end, and that's cool, you say i was evil the whole time, that's cool too. Really its not, obviously your mom never taught you two wrongs don't make a right. I fought to keep you in the beginning, laughing my ass off, Yeah well after i won i gave up on you. I wasn't ever going to fight for you again. I didn', not when my "friends" tried to fuck you, and not when your friends tried to fight me, i just laughed. One good thing that came from you is i learned that i need to pick my battles more wiser, i thank you for that, Food for Thought.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Food For Thought Ep 3

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits, there are only plateaus, and you must not stay there you must go beyond them." Bruce Lee. I wake up everyday and say think it, feel it, know it, own it and manifest it. Trust deeply with all your heart and say to your self with an indestructable confidence, TODAY is going to be AMAZING. One day i told my teacher i was having a bad day. What he responded to me changed my life forever. . . The only bad day you can have is one you allow. For a while i did not completely understand what he had meant by it. We can and do have complete outcome of everyday. Our thoughts and energy have a real effect on our lives, day by day. We are made of 70% - 90% of water throughout our lives. Water has a photographic memory and changes its structure to thoughts and even words. I know, sounds crazy right? Here's the link to a 100% Legit science experiment it will blow your mind. Anyway, you need to put positive vibes into the universe. We do not fully understand what happens after life, but i bet our energy and impact on the universe, even the people in it has a big portion to do with our after life.
Food For Thought. 

Food for Thought Ep 2

People always  talk about love. . . Truthfully if your talking about how amazing it is, and the fairy tale aspect, you haven't experienced it yet. Love
tears you apart, puts all the little pieces back together. Then it squashes you like a bug, but you endure, because your IN LOVE, and true love. . . True love is almost completely nonexistent nowadays. If you can be in a committed relationship for years, say love you to someone everyday, then leave someone for someone else, you have no idea what true love is. You think its a game. Nah its called life and whatever you do in it has a DIRECT impact on everything and everyone around you.  Girls think its fun to destroy guys hearts, well that's called pissing in your drinking water. Any guy that is called a "Player" is just a guy that got played by a girl. He says fuck it, they are going to play with me like this, lets see how they like it. Which in turn makes the girls not trust guys. It usually turns girls into lesbians, or sluts.

Food For Thought

Food For Thought ep1 Why Do we Play Games With Each Other?

Why do we all play games with each other? It blows my mind that someone can be on your mind for hours a day, but you don't try. Why, are you scared to fail? Failure is the most important part of success. What do you think Albert Einstien didn't go through countless failures to produce E=mc^2. At first it was A=bc^2 then E=ab^2 and so on. If your scared to fail you will never accomplish a damn thing. I think we all need to get our heads out of our asses and stop worrying about pride. The bible says that's a sin anyway. Tell the person how you feel. If they don't feel the same, no worries, like Jay Z said, "on to the next one.

Food for Thought

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